Help us Recover from Hurricane Earl
Lately you have seen many updates from us showing our work in the Protected Areas of Belize. Hurricane Earl passed through our country and left its mark.
Over 45% of The Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations’ (APAMO) members suffered severe damages to headquarters, field stations, gift shops, equipment, ranger posts, camping facilities, roads, and bridges. The damages are estimated at BZ $350,000 (US $175,000).
The Nation depends on our protected areas and its watersheds and pristine forests for their critical environmental services including drinking water. APAMO seeks your help to provide funding to our members to assist with the restoration process. Please help us SHARE these photos:
APAMO seeks your help to provide funding to our members to assist with the restoration process. Please contact us at or +501.663.4291.
Donations can be made to our Bank Account: Atlantic Bank (Belmopan Branch) #100240106