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Thank you for your interest in supporting APAMO. Your generous donation would go towards supporting our various activities and programs. APAMO is dedicated to promoting the sustainable use and management of natural resources in Belize through advocacy, education, and capacity building.

Your donation would help us to continue our efforts to protect and conserve Belize’s natural resources, including its wildlife, forests, and marine ecosystems. It would also support our education and outreach programs, which aim to raise awareness among local communities about the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

Your support will help to ensure the effective management and continued protection of at least 28 of Belize’s protected areas. From unsustainable development, and climate change, to unexpected environmental tragedies it is clear that our natural resources are up against an extraordinary number of threats. Our fisheries, clean air and water as well as other environmental services are dependent on your help in order to maintain abundance for generations to come. By making a much-needed donation today you will join APAMO in our work to defend our protected areas system and find the solutions needed to our most vital environmental issues. Contact us now to donate!


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